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Achilles Tendon Rupture and Achilles Tendonitis: Comprehensive Treatment & Physiotherapy Solutions

Achilles tendon issues, including both Achilles tendon ruptures and Achilles tendonitis, are common yet significant concerns that affect many individuals, from professional athletes to the active aging population. Understanding these conditions, their causes, and effective treatments is vital for recovery and maintaining an active lifestyle.


At Jeff Law Physiotherapy Center in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, we specialize in treating both Achilles tendon ruptures and Achilles tendonitis. Our custom-tailored therapies ensure that each patient receives a recovery plan specifically designed for their unique condition.

1-on-1 Physiotherapy for Achilles Tendon Recovery

We treat a range of Achilles tendon issues, from Achilles tendonitis, characterized by inflammation and pain, to severe conditions like Achilles tendon rupture and calcaneal tendon rupture. Our personalized 1-on-1 physiotherapy sessions are crafted to meet the specific needs of each condition, ensuring effective recovery and a swift return to daily activities.

Experienced Team in Achilles Tendon Rehabilitation

Our clinic in Hong Kong features a team skilled in the latest treatments for both Achilles tendon ruptures and Achilles tendonitis. By leveraging advanced physiotherapy techniques, we provide top-tier care, enhancing the healing process for these conditions.

Opening hours

By appointment only

Monday - Sunday

8AM - 9PM

Book Your Tailored 1-on-1 Session with Our Registered Physiotherapist

What are Achilles Tendon Rupture and Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles Tendon Rupture and Achilles Tendonitis are two prevalent conditions affecting the Achilles tendon, the largest and strongest tendon in the body. A rupture typically involves a complete tear of the tendon, often resulting in a sharp, sudden pain, and a feeling akin to being struck in the back of the leg. It's a condition that significantly hinders mobility and requires immediate attention.


Achilles Tendonitis, on the other hand, is characterized by the gradual onset of tendon inflammation, leading to persistent pain, especially after periods of inactivity or intensive use. Both conditions are debilitating and can severely impact an individual's ability to walk or engage in physical activities.

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Common Causes of Achilles Tendon Rupture and Tendonitis

  • Overuse: This is particularly common among athletes who engage in sports requiring sudden bursts of activity or intense training. Repetitive strain on the Achilles tendon can lead to micro-tears, eventually resulting in tendonitis, partial broken Achilles, or even complete rupture.

  • Aging: As we age, the Achilles tendon loses its elasticity and becomes more susceptible to injury. The diminished collagen content in the tendon fibers makes them less flexible and more prone to tearing under stress.

  • Improper Footwear: Shoes that do not provide adequate support or fit poorly can put undue strain on the Achilles tendon. This is especially true for athletic footwear, where the right type of support is crucial for reducing tendon stress.

  • Insufficient Muscle Strength: Weak calf muscles can increase the burden on the Achilles tendon. Without adequate muscular support, the tendon bears the brunt of physical activities, making it more prone to injuries such as tendonitis and rupture.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Achilles Tendon Rupture Symptoms

  • Sudden Severe Pain: Often described as feeling like a kick in the calf.

  • Audible Snap or Pop: Common at the time of injury.

  • Swelling and Bruising: Visible signs of injury.

  • Difficulty Walking: Challenges in pushing off the foot or standing on toes.

Achilles Tendonitis Symptoms

  • Gradual Pain Increase: Typically worsens with activity.

  • Morning Stiffness: A common complaint upon waking.

  • Tenderness and Swelling: Especially around the heel and calf.

  • Limited Mobility: Difficulty in performing activities that strain the tendon.

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Physiotherapy for Achilles Tendon Rupture and Achilles Tendonitis

Physiotherapy is vital in treating various Achilles tendon conditions, including Achilles tendon rupture, broken Achilles, and Achilles tendonitis, aiding in recovery and management. In the case of an Achilles tendon rupture, the primary goal of physiotherapy is to restore functionality and strength to the affected tendon post-injury or post-surgery. This involves carefully designed exercises to gradually rebuild strength, improve flexibility, and enhance the range of motion. The rehabilitation process is typically gradual, focusing on safe, progressive loading of the tendon to encourage healing and prevent re-injury.


For Achilles tendonitis, physiotherapy aims to reduce inflammation and pain while addressing the underlying causes of the condition, such as overuse or biomechanical issues. Treatment typically includes a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, tailored to relieve stress on the tendon. Modalities like shockwave therapy, and manual therapy can also be used to reduce pain and swelling, and promote tissue healing.


In both conditions, education plays a significant role. Patients are guided on proper activity modification, ergonomic footwear choices, and techniques to prevent future incidents. A key aspect of treatment is also to address any contributing factors such as calf muscle weakness or tightness, ensuring a holistic approach to recovery and long-term tendon health. With a focus on individual needs and specific rehabilitation goals, physiotherapy for Achilles tendon issues is a cornerstone of effective treatment, helping patients regain mobility and return to their regular activities.

Success Stories:
What Our Clients Say About Their Recovery Journey

“Extremely professional physiotherapist. I had foot pain for several months and couldn't hike. During the treatment, I learned exercises and how to manage my injury myself. Now I can hike without any pain.”

Lo Wai Yuk

“Jeff is a professional and patient physiotherapist, I had a great treatment and my plantar fasciitis is getting healed.”

Keith Chan

“Excellent experience. Jeff is a professional physiotherapist. I have a great treatment and my injury recovery better.”

Ellen Tsang

“Jeff is hands down the best physiotherapist. Had some bad hip pain as I was training for a marathon and after a few sessions with him, I’m back on track! A knowledgeable and professional physio wizard!”

Jessica Zhou

“Highly recommended. Jeff is a detail-minded and thorough professional who will stop at nothing to treat any injury. I went to him for a sports injury and I managed to make a full recovery in under three months under his guidance, treatment and rehabilitation exercise program.”

Clifton Chiu

FAQ About Achilles Tendon Rupture and Achilles Tendonitis

What are the main differences between Achilles tendon rupture and tendonitis?

Achilles tendon rupture is a complete tear of the tendon, often causing sudden severe pain and mobility issues. Tendonitis, however, is inflammation of the tendon, characterized by gradual onset of pain and stiffness, typically worsening with activity.

How does physiotherapy help in the recovery from an Achilles tendon rupture or tendonitis?

Physiotherapy aids in strengthening and restoring flexibility to the affected tendon, reducing pain, and improving mobility. For ruptures, it focuses on post-surgical rehabilitation, while for tendonitis, it involves managing inflammation and preventing recurrence.

What can I expect during my physiotherapy sessions for Achilles tendon issues?

You can expect personalized exercises to strengthen the calf and ankle, manual therapy, pain relief techniques such as electro-physical modalities, and education on activities and footwear to prevent future injuries.

How long does it typically take to recover from an Achilles tendon injury with physiotherapy?

Recovery time varies depending on the injury's severity and individual response to therapy. Minor tendonitis may improve within weeks, while ruptures, especially post-surgery, might require several months of therapy.

Can Achilles tendon issues be completely cured with physiotherapy?

While physiotherapy significantly improves the condition, complete recovery depends on the injury's severity and adherence to the therapy program. In many cases, patients can return to their normal activities with reduced risk of re-injury.

Find out more about our physiotherapy services
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Dry Needling

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Therapeutic Exercises at Jeff Law's Clinic: Image showcasing tailored exercises for rehabilitation and enhanced well-being.


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